
Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

I've always had an interest in names, especially interesting and unique names. As a teenager, I was (and I still am!) an avid reader - and in particular a reader of fantasy and science fiction. So I've always been coming across names that seem exotic and different. I delighted in trying to imagine these names on real people, and often thought about what I would one day name my own children.

I'm now in my thirties, and married, and the time when I will be making that decision is (hopefully) going to be coming up soon. So naturally my thoughts turned again to names. And I found that increasingly, people are looking for unique names that will help their child stand out in the world. It seems that almost anything goes these days! So here are my musings on the names I'm noticing, and maybe some ideas to help you on your own path to finding the perfect name.


  1. Phew! Just read your entire blog. I started collecting names in 3rd grade. I love your posts...added some great names to my list! Thanks!! Mama in the US to Mekhi (Khi), Tayvin (Tay), and Aveline (Ave). :)

    1. Thanks Tam, I'm glad you like my blog enough to read everything - that would have taken a while!

      And I love your children's names (and their nicknames) - I don't think I've heard Tayvin before :)

  2. Celestia (Girl)
    Aragon (Boy)
    Optical (either)
    Amber (girl)
    Glacia (girl)

    Random name loving 6th grader!
