
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ted's 'Trashy' Names List

What names spring to your mind when someone mentions 'white trash' names? We went and saw the movie 'Ted' today, and one of the scenes that I found the funniest (especially because of my interest in names) went like this:

Ted: I met a girl; she's a cashier.
John: No way! That's awesome! We should fuckin' double date or something, you, me and Lori and w-what's her name?
Ted: White trash name. Guess.
John: Mandy.
Ted: Nope.
John: Marilyn.
Ted: Nope.
John: Brittany?
Ted: Nope.
John: Tiffany.
Ted: Nope.
John: Candace.
Ted: Nope.
John: Don't fuck with me on this! I know this shit!
Ted: Do you see me fuckin' with you? I'm completely serious.
John: Alright, speed round. I'm gonna rattle off some names, and when I hit it, you fuckin' buzz it, okay? You got me?
Ted: You do it. I will tell you. Yeah.
John: Alright: Brandy, Heather, Channing, Brianna, Amber, Serena, Melody, Dakota, Sierra, Bambi, Crystal, Samantha, Autumn, Ruby, Taylor, Tara, Tammy, Lauren, Charlene, Chantelle, Courtney, Misty, Jenny, Krista, Mindy, Noel, Shelby, Trina, Reba, Cassandra, Nikki, Kelsey, Shawna, Jolene, Urleen, Claudia, Savannah, Casey, Dolly, Kendra, Kylie, Chloe, Devon, Emmalou, fuckin' *Becky*?
Ted: No.
John: Wait; was it any of those names with a "Lynn" after it?
Ted: *Yes*.
John: Oh, I got you, motherfucker! I got you!
[Ted laughs]
John: Okay. Brandi-Lynn, Heather-Lynn...
Ted: Tami-Lynn.
John: [Exasperated] *Fuck*!

I was just relieved that mine (Brooke) wasn't one of the ones mentioned, but I do know - and am related to - quite a few people with some of these names. And I don't consider (many) of them to be very trashy (lol!). I also just realised that three of my five childhood Barbie dolls had names on this list, so I don't know what that says about my taste in names before I was ten!

Some of these I'm not surprised about, although I am surprised that Destiny wasn't mentioned. And Candy. And some I am surprised were included - I have never thought of Claudia or Lauren as 'trashy' names for example. Do you agree with any of these?  What ones are you surprised to see on here? And what names would you include on a 'trashy names' list?

Ted with (r-l) Angelique, Heavenly, Cherene and Sauvignon Blanc


  1. I don't think Claudia & Lauren are trashy!

    1. Yeah my name is Lauren and I am NOT trashy

    2. That's so lauren

  2. My name (Casey) as well as my sister's name (Nikki) are both on the list, and I've never heard my name as being considered "trashy". I'd also never have considered Ruby, Cassandra, Marilyn, Claudia or Lauren as trashy either.

    1. Eh, like it or not, Nikki (and really, any name ending an "i") is trashy. Sorry. Casey is, too.

      But Marilyn? Cassandra? Claudia?

      I guess Lauren *could* be, since it's so common... but I don't think so. I mean, John isn't trashy just because it's common.

    2. Nikki, Crystal and Brandi are the trashiest of all possible names. Sorry to spoil your self-image...

    3. That's quite rude and hurtful. Nikki and Casey aren't what I'd consider 'trashy'.

    4. I think Casey is only trashy when spelt 'Kaci'. Otherwise you're in the clear.

    5. Ruby took her love to town. That's pretty trashy.

  3. I don't think Claudia and Lauren are WT, either. I also don't think Ruby is WT. I've never met anyone named Ruby. (No, my name wasn't anywhere on the list).

    These should have been on the list:


    There are a lot more I thought of when I saw the movie, but my mind is drawing a blank...

    1. I saw that one "Trina". That could be short for Katrina.

    2. Chantel...chantelle is on there genius

    3. My name is Marissa and I'm not trashy at all

  4. Most names that end in I not a y: like Brandi, sandi etc Trashy.
    then the stripper names: crystal, Tiffany, Brandy, Dakota, Sierra, Brianna, trashy
    The seasons? summer, autumn, winter, Trashy
    Then the hillbilly names: Shawna, Jolene, Dolly, Emmalou that's where the Lynn comes in,
    Some of the names I don't agree with either

  5. Brittany is THE most trashy name by far!

    1. Katherine is such a trashy name

    2. Katherine and Catherine are too old and classy to come any any anywhere on this list! You are signed in with an anonymous profile. Is that bc your name is Crystal, Brandy, Tabitha, Destiny, Delicious, Precious, Rainbow, or maybe Bozo, Dumbo, etc.?!? Bahaha!! Ridiculous! Katherine/Catherine, Elizabeth, Jacklyn/Jacqueline, Laura, Olivia, Caroline, Ruth, Emma, Ella, Frances, and many others are classic, regal, and elegant!

  6. My mate is called Chloe and i have not heard of it to be trashy name at all and think pricsilla should be in that lot

    1. Chloe is WAY too hard to spell to be trashy! Maybe if it were mis-spelled

  7. Taras not a trashy name!!

    1. Unfortunately Tara's kinda trashy because it's widely associated with tara Reid and quite a few porn stars. Sorry.

  8. My name is Tammy and I do not consider my name white trash. I think it is southern just like a few of the other names on the list.

    1. Southern = White Trash

    2. anything south of the Canadian border is white trash.

    3. When I hear the name Tammy, I think of that old Debby Reynolds song of the same name. It was the title song for a string of movies by the same name starring Debby Reynolds. Since that time, the name became common and is also a nickname for Tamara. Unfortunately, the name Tammy has gotten a bad rap with some people. I personally knew a few shady people with that name, but it's still a cute name.

    4. @Anonymous on 8/3/13 at 4:50

      You wrote my thoughts! Thank you. This post and the comments are all amazing :)

    5. Anyone whose full, real name is a nickname (i.e. Tammy instead of Tamar) is way trashy...

    6. Anything south of the canadian border trashy? lol Well everyone thinks canadians are stupid and weirdos. Does that mean you are a stupid weirdo?

  9. Most trashy name ever: Destinee Kryztal ahahahaha,

    most people say my name, Yselkla (said like isella) is trashy but it is traditionally Cornish

    plus, Lauren is not a trashy name, Chloe is tad overused but not trashy, nor is Tara, nor is Heather, one of my teachers was called Heather!

    1. Yselka sounds incredibly beautiful. That would be a cute name... I think I`ll have to remember that one! :)

      On the other hand, my name is Léontine, my sister`s is Flora. Aquilina, Morgana, Carmelia and Andreana are other names used in my family.
      But it`s not as if we have just invented those names or picked them because we want to be different or artsy. Those were all used by our ancestors. (Except for Morgana).

      I was named after my great-granny, for example.

  10. Lauren is too average of a name to be trashy, and I definitely don't think Chloe, Heather, Jenny, Dakota, Samantha, Savannah, Krista, Noel, Shelby, Brittany, Kelsey, Kylie, Devon, etc are trashy at all!

    1. Heather I'm on the fence about. Chloe is a dogs name or my name in high school French.

      Dakota and Savanna are at the top of the "trying to sound classy" list.

      ANYTHING trying to sound too cute, like Kylie, will find herself as a(nother) crazy girl in the trailer park

    2. You are dead wrong. Dakota, Savannah, Krista, Brittany, Shelby.. all trashy. Chloe, Heather not so much. Jenny is short for Jennifer, not trashy, just overused. Noel is a boy's name. (f. - Noelle). So is Devon!

    3. "Savanna" - anyone named after what passes for a city in the South, is suspect!

    4. Bwahahaha! Nearly every name you mention (with a couple of exceptions) is wildly trashy! Dakota and Savannah are particularly terrifying.

  11. Sherry and any of the many variants = trashy

  12. None and all of these names could be wt, it all comes down to perspective.

  13. Aw my name is on there and I'm not trashy(Candice but spelled on the list Candace)

  14. There is no such thing as trashy names. All of those names are normal & cute to me. Names aren't trash, people are. Like strippers & their stage names such as Diamond & Star.

    1. Most strippers actually use these names as stage names, they can't all be named star & rainbow lol

    2. Strippers use classy names too...

    3. Names porn stars and strippers use that no one thinks are trashy. Sophia,Mia,Anastasia,lisa. I guess if your named Elizabeth your safe. Lol

  15. The name doesn't make you trashy the way you act does.

  16. He did name off Candace, which is what Candy is short for.

  17. Bambi and Misty always get me smilin' at the strip joint

  18. Cassandra and Claudia aren`t trashy in my opinion. Claudia is really common, and Cassandra is just a classic.
    The others are either pretty ghastly or trashy. At least in my opinion.

  19. I've never thought of Shelby or Lauren as trashy names. I don't see why they are on the list.

  20. I love that you wrote out the entire conversation. Brilliant.

  21. Brooke - yes your name should have been on the list.

    1. I can see why some people might think that.

      I also notice you weren't brave enough to leave your own name, Anonymous.......

  22. names i associate with "White Trash" Cassie Tessa Theresa Savanna Miranda Jenna Maci McKenna McKayla Mackenzie Amber Skylar Breanna Brandi Jennifer 'Jenelle Chelsea Leah Kailyn Caitlynn Farrah' (all of the "Teen Mom" names) Aubrey Audrey Brooklyn Renee Chrissy Tara Dana Kelsey Morgan Haley Carly Mia Nia Desiree Shanity Crystal Shaina Cheyenne Sheena Shayla Bailey Gabby Riley Jordan Stacy Shea Lindsay Tiffany Meghan Raelyn Trinity

    1. ...also Madison, Ashleigh, and anything with 2 names (Amberlynn, Billie Jean, Mandy Jo, etc.) Waitress names.
      And what about brand names like Lexus? Or food names, like Peaches or Cookie?

    2. Theresa? Come on, dopey. A very old name and a saint's name as well.

  23. Theresa? Seriously? Ever heard of Mother Theresa?

    1. I would never name my kid after a woman who embezzled millions from her "charity", denied women proper birth control and housed the poor in horrible conditions to promote her PR scheme.

    2. Well-said! I didn't know any of that! Still, those are more white-collar crimes. They're heinous, but not necessarily trashy. I give the name T[h]eresa a pass... It just sounds really Latina to me...

  24. Jamie, Toni, Patricia, Harley, Hope, Ariel, Brittany, Tabbitha, Mariah, Paris, Shannon, Michelle, April, Erin, Sheila, Destiny, Sabrina, Kara, Molly, Jessica etc.

    1. Jamie, Patricia, Tabbitha, April, Sabrina, and Erin are actually all fat girl names - not white trash names.

    2. Excellent clarification!

    3. Delilah is about as trashy as a name can get. You're named after a biblical whore.

  25. Michelle, Molly and Jessica are classic, beautiful names. You are right about the rest though. And throw in Dakota for good measure.

    1. I agree, Michelle is an excellent name!

  26. I'm just glad my name isn't on that list because I don't think it's trashy at all.

  27. The formula seems to be
    1. any names shortened with an A sound lazy and trashy - shawna, shanna, brianna. These girls smoke and like to screw.
    2. many southern names unfortunately sound trashy, but make great southern songs- jolene, melissa
    3. brittany tiffany and heather are so common it cheapens the name
    4. PWT often like to name kids after PWT celebs like brittany spears. And so the circle continues.

    I often play this game at bars and guess within 3 names. If they say how did you know, I say I knew it was a PWT name ;)

    1. Tiffany would be trashy no matter what - naming a girl after an expensive brand name to sound rich is the worst...

    2. *sigh* well my whole family is trashy! My name's Brianna my sis is named Tiffany and my other sis is named Starla. :P

  28. Gotta love Rogue Botanist for turning a thread on girl names into a political screed.

  29. Ehm, just because you don't consider yourself to be trashy, it doesn't mean your name isn't... Sorry, but your parents might just have bad taste in names.

  30. fantastic story! loved to read it and the comments too! ha ha ha!
    my name is manon-anais its pronounced the french way as i am french.

  31. Relax ladies - but yeah those names are the white equivalent to "Quantineesha" or whatever. You just picture a young mom naming her daughter with the a dream of her landing in some cheerleading squad, a music video or winning a pageant. And Trashy/Ratchet people never think they are. That's what makes it funny. But remember YOU can rise above your name and you can even change it. If you're trashy family is offended then oh well - you're upscale friends never have to meet them :/

  32. I actually saw this with a girl named tammi lynn. She didnt find this scene funny

    1. Poor girl - I can imagine that would really suck

    2. That's because she found it true....which is Hilarious!

    3. Brooke is not a trashy name by any means.

  33. Leah and Ariel (it is a male name) are bible names, they cannot be trashy.

    1. Weeeeeeeeeeeeell actually.......................

  34. glad my name's not there

  35. don't worry Mystie, i think the way you spell your name is quite LOVELY, and nowhere Near trashy. <3

  36. My name noelle is on here. I dont even know any other noelles

  37. My white trash names Brooke, Emily, Nicole and shanell

  38. Is Leanne not on this list? Also Loretta.

  39. Personally, I find some names more trashy than others (not that I am selecting any certain person, for, as Shakespeare said, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet).

    Mandy: Perhaps because in Britain it doesn't seem trashy, but I'm on fence.

    Marilyn: Monroe.

    Brittany: Yes.

    Tiffany: Yes (however, Tiffany is actually a medieval name, short for Theophania. You can probably see why that needs a nickname)

    Candace: Yes

    Brandy: Yes

    Heather: Depends. This is one of those names that are sweet for a child, not for an adult.

    Channing: I think he meant to say another name.

    Brianna: Yes.

    Amber: On the fence.

    Serena: Yes.

    Melody: Again, sweet as a child, not as an adult.

    Dakota: Yes.

    Bambi: Doe, a deer.

    Crystal: Another sweet child one. Or perhaps a doll. I know you're thinking of a blonde one.

    Samantha: The only Samantha in America I know of is from Totally Spies, so I guess that summarized what I thought of the name growing up. I don't think it's trashy.

    Autumn: Trashy

    Ruby: On the fence.

    Taylor: Trashy

    Tara: Scarlet O'Hara

    Tammy: Yes.

    Lauren: Not trashy.

    Charlene, Chantelle: Names that are trashy on both sides of the pond.

    Courtney: Trashy.

    Misty: Again, sweet for a child or doll.

    Jenny: Nickname, not trashy. Real name, slightly.

    Krista: Slightly.

    Mindy: Trashy

    Noel: French for Christmas, this is a unisex name. Undecided.

    Shelby: Trashy

    Trina: Nickname, not trashy.

    Reba: I had never heard this name before I watched the film. Same with Trina.

    Cassandra: I think of the Trojan War. But again, it depends on context.

    Nikki: Depends on context.

    Kelsey: Trashy

    Shawna: Good for a surfer.

    Jolene: Trashy

    Urleen: I swear he meant another name.

    Claudia: Not trashy in Britain. Don't know about America.

    Savannah: Trashy

    Casey: Trashy

    Dolly: Good for...frankly, a doll. Also, Dolly Parton.

    Kendra: On the fence.

    Kylie: I should be so lucky...a little less in Oz maybe.

    Chloe: Trashy

    Devon: Trashy

    Emmalou: Just Emma is fine.

    Becky: Like Jenny, this is better as a nickname.

    Lynn: In Britain, so as trashy.

    For those of you interested, I am named Elizabeth. Certainly not trashy.

    1. If Melody doesn't work for a adult you can always change it to Song. Just a Pond might be cute on child, but River works really well.

  40. The trashiest name in English has to be - wait for it - Misty Velvet Dawn. A woman of that name (surnamed Spann) made the news recently in Oklahoma. She was charged with incest for marrying her mother.

  41. Isn't "Urleen" supposed to be Earlene, a feminine form of Earl?

  42. No, ladies, let's don't fall for this sexist shit, getting worked up dividing women according to "class" because some male writer (Seth Rogen?) thought it up. We are way too smart, strong, and have a lot more on our plates to deal with in the real world than this old "divide and conquer" stuff that's been handed down to women for generations. Funny movie, hot guy, funny friendship and witty talk between bear toy and boy but still ? Just a talking teddy bear thought up by a guy for a guy to basically put women down. Worked for decades, but no, let's not buy into it. Just cuz Wahlberg could rattle em off, so, ok cute maybe. But seriously?! Let's leave it alone and deal with what's needful. Sincerely,WandaCrystalBell, no it's really Elizabeth (yeah, I know) but Who T F Cares.
