
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Great Naming Story

Coach Sue introduces baby Robin to Kurt
I caught the first episode of the new season of 'Glee' this week. If you weren't already aware, eternally sassy coach Sue Sylvester has now had her baby. Her daughter was introduced in this first episode of season four, titled "The New Rachel".

Now, turns out that most of the talk about this new addition is that it is the first depiction of a baby with Downs Syndrome on a TV show. I didn't realise that though until just now when I was checking that I had the right spelling of the baby's name, so I guess we're yet to see how that will impact any upcoming story lines. It's a great testament to the shows theme of inclusivity.

However the reason I'm remarking on this is because I love the back story behind how Sue named her bundle of joy. Sue has named her daughter Robin, and the explanation she gives Kurt for her naming choice is "It recalls hope, springtime and my favourite dead Bee Gee". As usual, a quick insight into Sue's softer side followed by a snappy line :).

I'd love to hear if anyone else has any short explanations on why they love their favourite name!

1 comment:

  1. When i heard watched the episode, i recalled that the girl who played Jean (sue's sister) was named Robin Trocki. Sort of like an Hommage in her name.
