
Monday, October 1, 2012

October is Halloween Month!

As huge fans of horror, Halloween has a special attraction for my husband and I. Halloween hasn't really "caught on" yet here in Australia, and isn't celebrated in the same way it is in America, but that is slowly changing. We're starting to see children out and about trick-or-treating on October 31st, and Halloween goodies are slowly appearing in the stores. But the thing I am most looking forward to about Halloween is Halloween party, which we're hoping to make an annual tradition.

Pumpkin Patch costume available at
My point is that since I've spent months planning our party and looking forward to Halloween, I want to stretch it out and enjoy the anticipation as much as possible. So instead of having the usual Halloween list at the end of the month, every post I do this month will feature a name that could be included on a list of Halloween names. I'll do my best to avoid the most obvious ones to keep things interesting, but some of the classics are just too great to ignore. And since I can only do so many posts in a month, I apologise in advance if a name you want to hear more about isn't included. Just drop me a line and I'll do my best to feature it another time.

Have a great October and Happy Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't want to live in a world without pillowcases full of Halloween candy (but this is Canada, I could do without the bulky costumes just to stay warm out there). I know, such entitlement... :)
