
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Matilda Magazine is here!

If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure you stop by Matilda Mag. What is Matilda Mag you ask? It's the first ever online magazine devoted solely to baby names. The first issue came out last week and I have to say I was pretty impressed - creators Sarah (of For Real Baby Names) and Kate (of Name Soiree) have done a fantastic job. There's plenty of variety in the first issue, which includes articles from some of my faourite baby name bloggers. But you should read it yourself to find out who they are!

While you're at their website, make sure you check out the Matilda Mag blog. Partly because I'll be doing weekly guest blog posts there! I'll be profiling names inspired in some way by nature. This weeks name is Laurel, one that I've had the biggest crush on lately.

And if you still want more, you can also check them out on Facebook. If you're into names (and you probably are if you're reading this), I think you'll really love Matilda Magazine.

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