
Sunday, April 7, 2013


New 'Doctor Who' Companion Clara, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman

'Doctor Who' is back on our screens, this time with a new companion Clara Oswin Oswald, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. They've set the character of Clara up fairly well. Before she actually became the "official" companion, we had already seen two possible "incarnations" of Clara. There's something very intriguing about this character, and I'm looking forward to seeing  where her storyline goes.

The 'Doctor Who' writers have done a good job picking companion names recently. The last female companion - Amelia, nicknamed Amy - was very well named. Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) first appeared on the show in April 2010. Amelia was already a fast rising name in many countries, popular in England & Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Wales, Canada, Scotland and America. Amy had however been dropping, so in one clever choice they got a name with almost universal appeal, with a familiar but not over-used nickname.

And for a show that is broadcast in 48 countries, it is important that main characters have names that have a wide appeal, making it easier for viewers to embrace them.

Like Amelia, Clara was (and still is) already on the rise. It's not as popular or common as either Amelia or Amy in the previously mentioned countries, but instead is currently popular in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Spain, Ireland and Canada. This makes it another name that is easily recognisable, warmly familiar and with near universal appeal.

Clara is a charming choice, and this Latin name meaning 'clear, bright, famous' seems to suit the vivacity of the new companion quite well. It is a perfect example of the vintage revival names that are currently trending upwards. My own fondest memories of the name are characters in Enid Blyton books, in particular a short tale called 'Conceited Clara'. It's about a girl who is very vain about her pretty dress and shoes, but learns the values of humility and modesty. And it doesn't get much more quaintly vintage than an Enid Blyton character.

Promo Poster from the 2012
'Doctor Who' Christmas Special
There are also some great famous Claras if you like a name with admirable role models, such as:

  • Virgin Saint Clara of Assisi
  • Founder of the Red Cross, Clara Barton
  • Clara Schumann, pianist and wife of composer Robert Schumann
  • Canadian Olympic medallist Clara Hughes
  • Clara, the heroine of the ballet 'The Nutcracker'
  • Concert singer and Mark Twains' daughter, Clara Clemens; and
  • Early movie screen legend and original "It" girl Clara Bow

Many people feel that Clara is the new Clare. It's certainly a very sweet, pretty and elegantly understated name. For some that may mean boring, but I'm betting this new Clara will help inject a bit of spunk and geek chic into Clara's image, and make many people reconsider this gem. Clara could be one to watch over the next couple of years.


  1. Clara is a beautiful name, one of my favorites.

    1. It is a beautiful name! She is being called the impossible girl....she kind of reminds me of
      River Song.....Could Clara be their daughter? Maybe she will be the next Doctor? Spoilers????
