
Thursday, July 25, 2013

By George, He's Here!

By now you would have heard that Kate and William have had a boy, and with remarkable speed (for their family, at least) they have named the little prince George Alexander Louis.

It's a good, solid name, but hardly one that comes with many surprises. Each name has a history of royal use and George was the odds on favourite for punters.

I quite like George. For one, he's a family name for me, with the most recent example being my maternal grandfather's middle name. But what I really love is that there are so many great examples to look to. Besides being regal, he's also presidential, saintly, a train engine, the author of a great fantasy series and the hottest show currently on TV, a legendary musician, a Hollywood heavyweight, a futuristic family man, a lovable, curious monkey and so much more.

But of course not everyone feels the same. Which brings me to a conversation in the lunchroom at work today about Prince Georges name. One workmate complained that George is such an old name for a little baby. To which one of my male colleagues replied "Which would you prefer - an adult name on a baby or a baby name on an adult?". What do you think? And do you think George is an "old" name, or simply one that will grow well with the newest royal?

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