
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Naming By Popular Vote?

Photo Courtesy of
Andrea Green Photography

How about a new way of naming? I was watching television this morning when they reported on a man who had started a website inviting people to help name his daughter. Stories such as this occasionally pop up, with people sometimes turning to social media or the internet. It's almost understandable - the choices can sometimes seem endless and deciding on just one (or two or three names depending on middles) can seem a daunting task.

But if approached with an open mind, it could open your eyes to a lot of new possibilities. Certainly it gives you an idea of how people will react to certain names.

Containing a disclaimer to say that they will make the final decision, this site - - seems to be a bit of tongue in cheek fun, and maybe even a way to share with the world how excited he is about the impending birth of his daughter. You can vote for your favourite first name and a middle name, or even suggest one if you can't see your picks listed. As of a few minutes ago the front runners were the pretty combination Amelia Mae. Hopefully the end result is just as pretty, as there are some shockers in contention - Pancake, Cthulu, Streetlamp and All-Spark are currently ranked pretty high! You can also add comments to champion your favourites.

It seems to all be a bit of fun, and is worth checking out and adding your advice, or even just to see what outlandish names people have suggested (which I am sure won't make the final cut!).

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