
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Top Australian Names for 2013

The final results for the top names in Australia for 2013 have been released this week. That makes it a perfect time for a fun little graphic, so like last year, here is a graphic representation of the top names across all of the Australian states in 2013. If you're interested in how this compares against 2012, you can see last years maps here.

Apologies for my not-quite-polished graphics!

If you're after a more detailed state by state analysis, Anna at Waltzing More Than Matilda has done a great job discussing these as each state released their data over the last few months.

Mark McCrindle Research has also released a report detailing the results of the 2013 data, and the implications for baby names in Australia in 2014. It also includes a list of the top 100 names for our neighbour New Zealand - definitely worth a look if you are naming an Australian or New Zealand baby in 2014.


  1. Wow, the rise and rise of Charlotte! Interestingly, I am seeing far less Charlottes in BAs this year, although it's still more common than any other name. Will she go down a little in 2014, I wonder?

    (Am doing the last two Top 100s this week before holidays).

  2. WA has to be different, I do love the names Jack and Oliver and I really like Charlotte but I'm over Olivia it's very popular for people in my year (born 1999) and I only know four Chloe's I'm surprised it's number one somewhere
