
Monday, June 15, 2015

BNP Turns Three!!

It's hard to believe, but this month marks three years of Baby Name Pondering!

Just over three years ago, my husband and I started trying to conceive our first child. Like many name enthusiasts, one of the main ways I kept myself occupied while we waited for our big fat positive as to spend hours looking at names; dreaming of the possibilities. It only took a few months before looking was no longer enough, and so Baby Name Pondering was born.

Our conception journey since then  hasn't gone exactly as planned. And you may have noticed that I've been largely MIA in the past couple of months. But that's because we finally got our happy result. After three years and three rounds of IVF, we are expecting a baby boy in December!

I'm guessing that your first question is likely to be have we chosen a name yet, and the answer is yes we have; but no, I'm not sharing it just yet!

What I love though is that the first and middle names we have chosen have actually been featured here on the blog. One I wrote about because we were already seriously considering it. But the other I wrote about because I was seeing it mentioned on forums and other sites and found it interesting. After writing that post and letting the idea simmer in the back of my mind for ages, I've decided it's a winner (and luckily husband didn't take too much convincing either!). Hopefully it's an experience that some of my readers have also had after visiting Baby Name Pondering!

So what does the future hold for BNP? Hopefully more of the same! The typical first trimester tiredness took over for a while, and as I do all my writing in the evenings naps after work and early bedtimes ended up taking precedence. But this doesn't mean that I haven't been brewing ideas in the meantime, and I'm aiming to get some of these into writing for you soon!

At this three year mark I'd like to say thank you so much for reading my blog; your positive comments; and for coming back again and again. It's made the last three years of blogging a very positive experience, and I hope to keep creating content that you love to read for at least a few more!


  1. Yippee! Congratulations on your blog anniversary, and even more congratulations for your wonderful news!

  2. Oh, WOW! Congrats on your wonderful son and three years of blogging!

  3. Congratulations on your very happy news, and also for three great years of blogging. I love that you chose your baby name from the blog (of course you know we're going to go through all the boys'names now!).

  4. Congrats x2! What great news!

  5. Congratulations on your happy news and of course your third year of blogging. I can't wait until December to find out what the name you've chosen is

  6. Congratulations on your Good news & Thanks for sharing!!
